Monday, June 2, 2008

Speak No Evil....

This is what happens when you try to get a family picture with a 1 year old.....


AshleyS said...

he's so cute! i think kel misses me. we're buds.

Unknown said...

It only gets worse the more kids you have...:)!

Glad you had fun in Cedar. We are going up in a few weeks--I can't wait!

--Jen Roper

Crescent said...

I love family pictures with kids!! Maia usually ends up crying in them because she doesn't want to sit still for even one minute. I love how Keller likes Elmo--Maia is so into him right now too--it's how we survive our long trips in the car. David kind of likes Mr. Noodle himself!!

The Staples Fam said...

Hey Dana-

So I failed to give my sis Jaime your email address, but she has a blog now! I'm sure she'd love to hear from you. Her blog is

Nate and Jamie said...

Hey Marchant family!! Hopefully you remember me from ambassadors and being friends with Jodie Lewis. You have a handsome little boy! Congrats!
Jamie (Hansen) Rothe

Amy said...

Oh Kel! That is so cute! You guys look so nice, I bet your family pics turned out so good. Loving your hair these days....Dana. (Chad I guess your hair is nice too)