Monday, August 24, 2009

Mancrush Lives On

As I've stated before, my husband has a MAN CRUSH.

To our surprise the other day, this arrived in the mail:

Yep -- that's an autographed photo of none other than Michael Weston [played by Jeffrey Donovan].

Here's the story:

A sweet and hilarious former co-worker of Chad's wrote into USA Network's Burn Notice and stated that Chad was in a 'bromance' with Michael Weston. They in turn scanned this photo & autograph in and sent it to her. She printed, framed and sent it to us.

For now Michael Weston has been perched on our bookshelf. I think I am relocating him to a dark closet soon.


Jill said...

Oh, I think this is HILARIOUS!

Eardley Fam said...

HU-LARIOUS! You guys are so fun. Loved your previous post too about "Fantastic, considering..." Jamie said she got to chat with you when you went to her HS-the good old high school tour!

Unknown said...


Just stumbled on your family blog. It sounds like all is going well. It's fun to see where everybody is. Hope all is well.

Esplin Family