Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spring Cleaning / Redecorating Extravaganza

I got a little possessed two weeks ago with spring cleaning. What started with an idea to update Kel's room turned into redecorating madness.

Chad & I cleaned out our little closet underneath the stairs and turned it into Kel's toy room.


[The color is called electric lime. The coat closet actually glows at night with the light on.]

I wanted to update our bathroom and came up with this stripe combination:

[I could not get any better pictures since it is such a tight space]

And then came Kel's room. Gone are the fishies hanging from the ceiling & changing table. This is his official 'big boy' room. This kid LOVES anything sports -- thus came the sports idea:

[Kel's room was a PAIN to paint -- 2 coats of primer, one coat of tan and 5 stripes that took about 4 hours to paint. But, we LOVE the result.]

And I also got the carpet cleaned in the house. It felt WONDERFUL -- for the whole week it looked good.

I roped Chad into all these projects and this is what we accomplished in a week. I think I'm worn out for another year.


Cameron and Nonie said...

Totally impressed. Wanna come do mine. ;) Oh, and I especially love Kel's room. So cute and easily adaptable.

AshleyS said...

Everything looks so good, you are such a talented decorator. I think you need to pack up your car and get down here ASAP! I need your help turning Hay's room into a gender-nuetral one with room for 2...Ikea run?

The Funderburks said...

Kel is a model! I LOVE your paint updates. They look so great! Good job - but I'll miss Kel's cute baby room. You rock.

Alli Waldron said...

So cute! I wish that I could talk my husband into letting me redecorate!

The Funderburks said...

Dana, you should a add your blog to the SUU alumni blog http://suualumni.blogspot.com/ and encourage other alumni who are blogging to do the same!

The Catmull Crowd said...

Hey, found your blog from your fb profile... awesome job painting! I love stripes!

Natalie said...

dang- I need to hire you! Where do you get all the motivation? Sad to see the Tiki room go- but the new one is very cute too!

Jason and Andrea Wilcock said...

I LOVE it! I'm so impressed you finished in a week. I for whatever reason caught the same spring cleaning redecorating bug and it has taken me a month. I roped Jason into helping on Saturdays and it took 3 of our weekends in March. So, I'm VERY impressed and I love it!