Gramie Borrup [Chad's Grandma] passed away at the end of March. She was an amazing lady! Her funeral was held in Parowan, Utah and even though it was a sad time, it was nice to see the whole family together. My grandma is now at the St. George Rehabilitation Center after two strokes. We have been able to visit with her & see her progress. Keep working Gramie!

Chad with his brothers & sisters

Papa Marchant & Kel
Last weekend I had a Girl's Getaway to Mesquite & the Casablanca [aka 'Pink Palace']. My good friend Kelley planned a 'Spa Day' for a few friends. It was SO relaxing! Kimmy came up from Cedar City and we enjoyed the sun, a facial & massage. The Vegas crew & I stayed overnight and we got a great dinner, icecream and late night laughs. Thanks ladies! [P.S. Thank you to a wonderful husband for creating a 'Boys Weekend' at home for him & Kel.]

We are still waiting for our truck to be fixed from the U-Haul incident. It's been at the body shop for TWO weeks! Thank goodness for Enterprise Rental. Funny story with that too....Chad has been through 3 vehicles. The first was too dirty [it was gross!]; the second, a new Chevy truck, took too much gas; and now we are on a Chevy Equinox seems to work great. We want our truck back!
Grandparents would be on my tail if I didn't post new Keller pictures!

Kel is so cute!!! I love that smile. The pictures in the park are super cute!
Cute picts! I love the new background. I think Keller is getting SOOO big! I love it that he likes to be read to. That's so cute! Maybe you should bring him in soon so I don't go and have babies myself! ***Yep, I'm using that threat again.... :)
Dana, I found your blog while I was blog-hopping! How are you guys? Your little boy is about the CUTEST thing ever! I esp. love the chocolate face pic. I hope you don't mind if I add you to our friends--I'd love to keep in touch, and I'm sure my dad would like to know what you're doing as well! Love, kalie (casselman) chamberlain.
Great family update! Love the pics of Keller. So dang cute! Your girls get away sounded like so much fun. Good ol' Mesquite. Love your background by the way.
I didn't realize who your mother-in-law was! She was my mom's visiting teacher forever and was always so great to us. She even altered my wedding dress for me. How fun for you to have her. Your little boy is so cute. Good to hear from you and to feel updated!
What! you and Kimmie were in Mesquite & didn't even say hi? We're offended, o.k not really, but next time ya'll come through this way and have any extra minute or two you should let us know and mabey we can grab a bite to eat or something. Ya'll look like your doing great, especially Kel.
That little monster is a stud! I knew the genes of Chad and Dana could only produce one of the coolest kids in the world. I'm glad he's better from croup. You guys are awesome!
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