I have loved the TV show ER for years & years & years! All through high school & college, Thursday night was ER night. Now, it is in reruns on TBS every morning and I am still addicted. I don't so much love the real ER -- which Chad, Kel & I had the lovely opportunity to visit Monday night at 12:30AM.
I thought Kel was coming down with a cold late Monday afternoon. Snot, sneezing and acting clingy. He went to bed slightly congested. When we checked on him at 10PM he was so congested and sounded like he was having a hard time breathing. He woke up a few times and when I got up with him at midnight, I was so worried and scared that he wasn't getting enough oxygen. He was just snuggled up on my chest and working so hard to get air. I fretted for a few minutes, took him into Chad and we decided to take him to the ER. We have a great hospital -- Southern Hills -- and we were taken back in 5 minutes. It was determined that he had croup. Yeah, why don't they tell you about this in Parenting 101? [Oh yeah -- there isn't a Parenting 101 class -- it's called life!] Kel got a steriod shot, breathing treatment and x-ray. He perked up after the shot and we got to come home and back to bed around 3AM. What a treat! Warning parents: If your child wakes up in the middle of the night, highly congested and sounding like they are having trouble breathing -- Welcome to CROUP. Luckily, the doctors & nurses say that is sounds a lot worse than it really is. Thank goodness! Kel is back to his normal self today.P.S. I loved our doctor -- He even gave Chad & I 'Excuse Notes' from work because it was a late night!
Been there with the croup business. Doesnt it just scare you do death? Sick kids are tough on everyone. Sometimes those miracle steriod shots are incredible. Fun doc too. Thats cool. Good luck with everything!
Croup is the worst!!! I'm glad you guys took him in to the ER. That steroid shot is the best! Ella had to have it last year and she was better in no time!!! So did Chad get the next day off?
Sick kids are the worst!! I'm glad he is feeling better scary though!!
I, totally, remember your LOVE for ER!
Croup is the worst. We had a similar experience with Wade, about 3 weeks before I had Seth. So add a big, fat pregnant woman to the situation--not pretty!
Good thing they bounce back fast! Glad he is feeling better!
--Jen Roper
D! No fun! Hope he is feeling better. Here I thought your post was going to be all about the TV show...
Yep- we did the ER croup thing this year too. Went in at 6 pm and they didn't let us go home til 3 am. 3 rounds of breathing treatments. fun fun fun. Hope its all better now.
Long live Ross and Carter!
Scary! I definately don't like the sick thing. I am glad he is back to normal and that you each have excuses to take to the teacher:)
That sounds so scary! Good work on figuring out that he really needed a dr. You're right, that's something that no one tells you, you just have to figure it out! I hope he's back to 100% by now!
No fun but glad he is back to normal! And oh how the SUU memories came flooding back reading about your corndog party! Glad you are keeping tradition alive and well.
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