Biggest Loser - Go Ali!
Chad & I have been fans of 'The Biggest Loser' all season. Great to see Ali win last night. We LOVED Bernie too and loved that he won the 'at home' contest! Chad takes advantage of the time he watches 'Biggest Loser'. He breaks out his weights and works out. I tend to get a sweet tooth and break out the icecream!
Oh my gosh didn't she look good!! I couldn't believe it!! I was soo glad to see a woman win it, I think that was awesome. She knew she had it too when they said she had to lose 105 lbs and she asked How much? And they repeated it. You could see it just click in her head-She knew she had won!
I LOVE the Biggest Loser and wanted Ali to win too! Glad she did!
I do the same thing--I seem to crave sweets when I watch. Weird, shouldn't it be the other way around?
--Jen Roper
I'm with you...bring on the ice cream!
Hey, I locked my blog. Shoot me your email address so I can add ya. Hope all is well in Vegas.
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