Our very own friend from SUU -- Jill Stevens is currently Miss Utah and headed to Miss America. We had a ball watching the first episode of TLC's 'Miss America: Reality Check' [on Friday nights!] and are wishing our best for Miss GI Jill.
Tune in January 26th for Miss America on TLC [Did that sound like a promo or what?]
Check her out:
TLC's Miss America: Reality Check:
You can vote Jill into the Top 16 everyday!
Miss UtahGI Jill:
Jill's Blog -- hilarious!
You guys should do a personal commercial for Jill! I kid, I kid. Its good to hear from you. And man, through your site I've found both the Ences and the Parsons. Its like a mini online reunion! Your little Keller is seriously one of the cutest kids I've seen. Love that. Thats crazy we all have kids now. Who'd a thought. Keep in touch!
Ha! I totally watched that show last week, and Weston even watched some of it with me. We didn't even know what state she was from but really liked the girl that was in the army. Crazy you know her. We need to watch the pageant together!
Great idea. I have voted the past 2 days. I might have to post something like this on my blog! I hear you are going to Phantom tonight. We have (frown) Scout thing to go to!
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