We had a fun 'Birthday Bash' for Kel on his birthday -- December 26th. Lots of family & friends were there to witness the gift-opening, cake smashing fun time! Thanks for all who came & traveled to wish Monster a happy first year!
Kel's 'Monster Truck' Construction Site

"Happy Birthday to Kel"

Kel LOVES Cake

1st birthdays are the best! He is darling! Happy Birhtday Keller!
What a studly little monster. I love the eating cake pics - those better go in his baby book. Reminds me of Colby Jay at that age - sharing his cake with everyone by the handful!
Happy Birthday Kel! By the way, you are so advanced to be writing your own thank you notes! :-)
How fun! I still can't believe he's one already! Looks like he LOVED his cake! Happy Birthday Keller!
I can't believe he is one!!! He is soo cute and I love the pic of him feeding Chad cake. He looks like such a happy little monster.
What a darling cake. It looks like he had a ball diving right into it!
Hope you guys have a Happy New Year!!!
Happy Birthday Keller!!! You and Ryder are exactly 6 months apart. We wish we could have seen you guys over the break. I thought 3 weeks would be plenty of time to see everyone, but it wasn't. Well we have 5 months left and we will be home for good. Hopefully then, we can see more of each other.
Happy birthday Keller! He's so cute. I love the party hat! Happy b-day Kell!
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