Wednesday, March 21, 2012

CHINA [3/15]

Awake to a foggy morning in Chengdu, but we can view a park across the river with a group doing Tai Chi. This is real China that I was wanting to see.

We are able to squeeze in a quick outing to Jingli Street - a traditional folk-custom street with lots of traditional shops & street food. It was beautiful, calm & a great place to shop for souvenirs. 

I would have taken him home in a heartbeat if he would have fit in my suitcase.

Chengdu is located in the Sichuan province which is known for it hot & spicy food. Can you tell why?

Literally -- meat fried on a stick. It was flavored wonderfully.

Best thing I tried in China. It was a pineapple halved & then rice & pineapple chunks were steamed inside the pineapple. It was so delicious!

Top picture: Fried sparrows

Back to work we go to the CIEET College Fair in Chengdu. We were met by our friends/agents Betty & James. 

After the fair - before our flight - we stole away to eat. Where you ask? Tony Romas. [I don't even eat there at home but it looked & tasted fabulous!] At this point in the trip its ideal to eat one Chinese meal a day & one American meal a day. We are craving comfort food & cheese - It was the best break.

Off to the airport we go to board a night flight to Shanghai. Very bumpy flight. Arrive at our hotel in Shanghai at 2AM.

1 comment:

Alli Waldron said...

I love the posts, but what I really love are your amazing photography skills! You are getting GOOD!!!