Sunday, September 25, 2011

SUU Homecoming '11

It's good to be a Thunderbird.....
We headed back to ol' CC, UT for the annual SUU Homecoming festivities.
This year's theme: 'Kicking It Old School'.

Friday night was THE best party I have ever attended at SUU. President / Advancement /Alumni threw an amazing party on Upper Quad [where we NEVER get to have parties] to help kick-off the next round of 'The Future is Rising' Fundraising Campaign.

Good food. Good crowd. Good entertainment.
Ol' Peter Brienholt & Ryan Shupe for another great SUU performance:

Kurt Bestor & the SUU Symphony:
Friday night's party ended with a firework display & a torrential downpour of rain.

Saturday's festivities started with greeting my sis-in-law, Paige, at the end of the Cedar City Half Marathon. She's a running machine.

Dropped by an SUUSA reunion [been 10 years] & a Presidential Ambassador reunion.

Some pics from the parade line-up:

I might have had a good laugh with this float. Are my years at SUU now considered 'RETRO'?

Some ol' SUUSA friends from the past:
[Including Zach Ludlow, Andrea Dover, * , Heather Lattier, Steve Kiisel, Josh Hansen]

The Marchant family took on a little political stumping for the parade as we threw our full support for Papa Marchant's bid for City Council:

The stadium was well-packed for the game & the student section was rockin':

And the T-Birds took home another victory & SUU put on another great weekend!

1 comment:

Mary said...

So fun to see you! Isn't Cedar great? I'm sad I missed your corn dog party :(