Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Love You Too.

V A L E N T I N E ' S    D A Y 

Keller woke up to a nutritious breakfast:

Chad & I took a lunch break at Boards 'n Brew in Del Mar. Maybe we should have lit some candles for ambiance.....

We did have lots of hearts around our house:

From Chad on my bathroom mirror

From Keller on our bedroom door
For Chad he wrote: Loves Padres & baseball,; Hard worker ; Best Dad; Eagles fan, Good wrestler
For me he wrote: Best at Words w/Friends ; Likes Mexican food ;  Best Mom
To Chad from me - a series of notes to find all day

I also set up a little scavenger hunt for Keller after he got home from school:

At the end he found a new pair of shorts & t-shirt.

And then came my attempt at a gourmet dinner at home that everyone would like. Nothing says L O V E than heart shaped meatloaf. Yes, meatloaf. Be jealous. No pictures included as it tasted good but didn't look gourmet by any means....

And for dessert.....

Lemon cake with cheesecake filling.


 Happy Valentines Day.


AshleyS said...

that cake looks amaze!!!!

The Potter Family said...

Looks awesome!! Whats your email so I can add you to my blog readers list? I got totally freaked out after I saw a website that had somehow visited the blog. Miss you!