Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fantastic, considering......

In Dale Carnegies' world, when anyone asks you "How are you?" or "How's your day?", you are to answer with a resounding, "Great....fantastic....wonderful!" even if you don't quite feel it. Kindof the fake it 'til you make it scenario. If you absolutely cannot get out all those postive words, you can say "Fantastic, considering....." That is where I am at today.

"Fantastic, considering...."
Keller was put in time-out within the first 5 minutes of waking this morning due to whining.

"Wonderful, considering...."
I was trying to be a great wife and wash Chad's dress shirts, in which I didn't check pockets, and ended up with a clean load of shirts with wet shreds of business cards all over the washer which ended up on the floor as I was shaking them out.

"Great, considering..."
The Monster [aka Keller] loves his big boy underwear but proceeded to have an accident on the kitchen floor and then later right before naptime. That means more laundry in that mean washing machine.....

"Perfect, considering..."
I found a bottle of spilled bubbles in the bottom of my favorite purse upon my arrival at the grocery store. Who is idiotic enough to carry a bottle of bubbles in their purse? Me!

"Over the top, considering...."
As I finally got the little buddy down for his nap I sat down to get a little work done and proceeded to spill a glass of water all over my laptop which proceeded to shut itself off. I am now on my old dinosaur laptop that moves at the pace of snail & is missing several keys. My wet computer has now been to the salon [hairdryer] and is laying out, drying itself off on the guest bed.

Kinda wish I was the computer right now......

UPDATE: Life did look up the next day. Computer had a nice vacation and is working great again. Purse dried with minimal damage. Chad's shirts were not ruined. You just gotta laugh at a day like this!


AshleyS said...

i'm fantastic too! considering I just finished cleaning up a potty accident right after Hays told me she didn't need to go...and I have had so many personal to-dos that I have yet to begin my 4 hours of work for the day...and I haven't showered since my workout this morning. did i mention that C has gone through 3 onesies today?

aahhhhh, that feels better. I am rocking C for his nap and checking blogs with my free hand. thanks 4 ur post, glad i'm not alone. :-)

Funder Customs said...

Funny - don't tell me it was that darling purse your mom bought you!?

Jill said...

well at least you have a guest bed!

kalie said...

Nice post. I've had days like that recently, and I'm glad you got to vent a little!