Thursday, June 12, 2008

Pies, Pies, Pies

If you've been reading our blog, you know our obsession with 'Pie Month' [Feb & Oct] at Marie Callender's.
Let's all celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Marie Callender's pie this month with a special pie sale -- $5.99 through the month of June.


Malma said... I love pie. How my family loves pie. How my tiny fetus REALLY loves pie. I knew we were related for a reason!

kalie said...

Yummm. Our YW personal progress nights are called Personal Indicator Excellence (P.I.E.). So we sign off their goals and eat pie!

Hali said...

Mmmmm....I love pies!

Thanks for the reminders :)

Lenzi Woodbury said...

Thanks to Chad informing Ben we had pies the other night. Thanks Marchant's for always keeping us up to date on the MC Pie Sales! :)

Natalie said...

Just stop it. NO FAIR!
And me with an excuse to stuff my face too. :(

Tugboat News said...

I LOVE PIE!!!!!!!!!!!11