Monday, April 28, 2008

Nothin' Too Exciting

We haven't had too much action at our house lately. Scott, my ex-stepdad [I know, I know -- That's a story for another day....] came to Vegas this weekend. We didn't do too much -- went to Town Square [a fabulous new shopping/restaurant complex] & out to Lake Las Vegas. We also had a BBQ with our friend's, the Child's.


Unknown said...

Cute pics! Sounds like fun..I love it when new shopping/ restaurant places open!

Love the new blog layout--super cute.

--Jen Roper

The Allen Family said...

Oh my huge Keller! He definitely doesn't look like a baby any more. He's a big boy now!! :) Cute pics!!!

Ence's said...

He is such a cutie. Well we only have a few more weeks left, and then I hope we will get to see you guys more.

AshleyS said...

every time i see a new pic of keller, i can't believe how quickly he is growing. you guys look great and like you are having so much fun. where's the new shopping center? i have to stay current on my vegas shopping. haha

Jeanine said...

Keller is so big and I am so jealous of that warm warm weather it looks like you are enjoying!!

Jen Cutler said...

Natalie gave me your blog info. Oh my, you are married and have a kid! A very cute kid to say the least. I just wanted to say hi. Our ten year reunion is approaching fast. I hope to see you there. Still can't pass the Hostess outlet without laughing!
I am going to be in Vegas towards the end of June for my Esthetics convention. Maybe we can get together? My email is Email me sometime!
Love Jenny (Toolson) Cutler