If you are a fan of 'Gone With the Wind'....You will love this book!

I just finished it. It is the story of Rhett Butler -- before, during & after 'Gone with the Wind'. I got it for my Mom for Christmas and she handed it over after she was done. I have been reading during Kel's naps & I usually had to had to pry it out of my own hands hours after Chad had already gone to bed.
I love Scarlet O'Hara! I laugh and laugh at her! My Mom used to tease me she would change my name to Dana Scarlet because I get such a kick out of her.
Awesome new characters that weave in and out of the original 'Gone with the Wind' storyline. You understand Rhett so much more and love him even more.
Yay, I love new books. I'm almost done with a series of historical fiction, I'll blog about it b/c you would love them. Anyway, I will read this next, but my question is, would you recommend re-reading GWTW before reading this?
Ok, it has been too long since I have blogged! I LOVE to read and wish I did it more. I will have to make time to read this book.
How fun that you got to see "Phantom!" I love that braodway show too. I, also, love and miss Levi--tell him "HI!" from Jen Rass!
Dana! I am so glad to find your blog! You and Chad look great, and your cute little Keller is absolutely darling. It has been way too long since we've seen each other. I also miss Levi...what CRAZY memories I have of him! You should check us out at danulrichfamily.blogspot.com. Keep in touch and tell Chad hello!
Dana, did you used to live in Kanab for a little while. If so I am Brandy used to be Lewis and we were friends back in the day. It looks like you are doing great. Your little boy is so cute. I hope this is you.
Brandy (Lewis) Mayer
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