Monday, February 20, 2012

Abe Came to Breakfast....and Juan Showed Us Around

Had one more day of weekend to celebrate Presidents past.....

Abe Lincoln came to breakfast at our house. Along with our friends, the Spencers. [Who just moved 5 minutes away...We are happy friends again!]  Chad aspires to be President with his pancake artistic abilities.

Next, it was off to Cabrillo National Monument. Great views of San Diego & the Pacific [which I don't think I will ever tire of seeing].

Our friend, Juan, showed us around:

We also checked out the tidepools. Unfortunately -- tide was in. The kids used their presidential strength to get this rock moving:

Even little VP Colton found a smaller rock that needed some pushing:

We finished the day off with a place that any Mexican-wrestling-lovin' President would enjoy: Lucha Libre. Totally unique taco shop decked out in Mexican wrestling motif:

Check out the wrestling mask in the fire extinguisher case: 'In case of emergency, break class, put on mask, save the world.'

The gold booth only C H A M P I O N S are allowed to grace:

Ice T anyone?

Keller's best mean wrestling face:

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