Sunday, October 30, 2011


Just a * in our life story.

Our Las Vegas house, our first house, was sold in October 2011.

In this economy, we were happy to have completed a short sale. After having an offer for 9 months & working with the bank for over 2 is done. Our house sold for just over 1/3 of what we originally purchased it for in 2006. Although I think our bank is the spawn of Satan, I'm happy to report we had a fabulous real estate agent & lots of friends experiencing our similar heartache who we could lean on.

Moving Day, August 2011:

This was a great home where we brought Keller home from the hospital, where we planted a backyard, where we hosted parties & where we laughed lots. I may have cried & cried as we pulled out of our Huntington neighborhood in our moving truck in August. I'm grateful for all the life experience we gained in Las Vegas and all the friends we miss dearly. Our new chapter will be just as great as the last....

[By the great friend, Lenzi, who runs Thru My Lenz Photography Company made me take the above picture -- which I do think I'll cherish in years to come -- under duress as we finished packing. She also gave me this AWESOME gift. Visit her blog here.]

1 comment:

The Funderburks said...

Such good news, dear. I love that house sign photography. I need to do that since our house is for sale and it holds a dear place in my heart.

Got a postcard with you & the Marchants plastered all over it! Hooray! :)

Miss ya.