Sunday, July 17, 2011

Can You Dig It? YW Camp 2011

Spent another 4 cold nights / 5 windy days @ Camp Stimson on Mt. Charleston for the South Stake Young Women's Camp 2011. Lots of laughs, lots of junk food, lots of time spent smelling like smoke from the fire.

This year we took 20 Young Women with our ward. It was a number that frightened me. But, I am happy to report that my girls took the 'drama free' approach & we did not have ONE incident all week. We may have had to chase them to bed at night....and one of my fellow leaders, a high school basketball coach, may have had to pull out her best coaches' voice & threaten them with a 5AM wake-up call to go to sleep.

This year's stake camp theme was 'Can You Dig It? Seeking after Treasure'. Each ward had to choose a country & precious gem. We chose Austraila & turquoise.

My time working with these sweet faces is winding down. I have spent countless hours in the car with them singing at the top of our lungs, trying to give them advice about boys & prepping lessons that I hope would touch them. It's been a great run....

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