Thursday, July 12, 2012


Another edition of the funnyisms of a 5 1/2 year old:

Keller LOVES the San Diego Padres. He thinks that everyone in our family - immediate & extended -  has a team that they should feel as passionate about. Papa D loves the Giants. Uncle Bubby & Uncle Kirk love the Braves. While in Cedar City last month Papa Marchant gave Keller an 'MLB Insider' magazine that had come in the mail -- no big deal -- just thought Kel would like the pictures. It's basically now Keller's Bible. He whips that thing out each day & reviews the ENTIRE MLB schedule for the upcoming weeks.
We also love the Jr. Padres club. Each time we go to a game he swipes his Jr. Padres card & has earned books, a behind-the-scenes tour & free tickets to future Padres games.

Kel had been teasing us about wanting breakfast in bed. He & Chad went back & forth about whom should make it for whom first. After a funny discussion Chad said, "If you will stay in bed until I wake up, I will make you breakfast in bed."  Knowing that wouldn't happen for a kid who's internal alarm wakes him up around 6AM each day -- we didn't thinking another thing about it. Chad woke up around 7:30AM the next morning & got ready to go the gym. As he was leaving he noticed Keller, laying in his bed, staring at his slightly ajar bedroom door, waiting for Chad to notice he had stayed in bed & was now ready for his breakfast in bed. 
He laid in his bed for a hour & half waiting. Such a crack-up!

Best toy of Summer '12: Water Balloon Pumping Station. He probably spends an hour outside each day filling up water balloons, begging us to throw water balloons at him, playing water balloon baseball....anything water balloons.

 Then there was this sight at 8:57AM Wednesday morning:
I teased Mr. Prim & Proper to run through the sprinkles, sans shirt in jammie shorts. He added the mask "for safety". 

The mask also made an appearance at lunch...."for safety".

For a long time Chad & Keller, when wrestling or joking around, have used the phrase, "I'm going to punch you in the face" in jest. It's an answer to anything -- "What do you want for lunch?" "A punch in the face."
A few weeks back Keller got in his little mind that he wanted to go to McDonald's for lunch. Chad was getting ready to fix lunch at Grandma's but Keller said he was having McDonald's. They started bantering and Chad said, "I'm going to punch you in the face...We are staying home." Keller got hysterical -- jest soon went to a full blown tantrum. After a few minutes of screaming, tears & time out Chad came back to reason with Kel. Kel cut him off and said, between his tears & sobbing "Daddy, I will let you punch me in the face then we'll go to McDonald's and we both get what we want."

Keller is starting to get good at navigating on the computer. He has sent an e-mail via the Disney website to his favorite character on Good Luck Charlie -- all by himself -- spelling errors & all. He loves to explore Google Earth. This morning he came up and told Chad he had something to show him. Keller pulled up Google & typed in Chad Marchant then he found some YouTube clips of Chad doing some training a few years back for SUU's Governors Honors Academy and was very excited to show his Daddy. The 5 year old can Google. 

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