Gotta love 'em.
We met the Spencer's in our first apartment complex here in Las Vegas & have stayed in touch with them after they moved to Loma Linda, CA for Weston to attend dental school. We have a ball together....lots of food, talk, adventures and did I mention the food?
We headed down to their house last weekend for a get-a-way. After talking until nearly 2AM Friday [Saturday AM], we started our day Saturday celebrating their Hailey's 3rd birthday. Girl knows how to celebrate -- cupcakes for breakfast & a day trip to the beach. So adorable!

After the beach & Chronic Tacos [awesome!], we headed back to Loma Linda, the boys had their usual bratwurst fest. Did I mention the food we always eat together? Ash & I usually find an alternative.
Sunday was spent at church - participating in Ash's great Primary singing time [sans puff on the behind], some traditional Japanese cooking by Weston & exploring Loma Linda's Dental School & campus & Redlands, CA.

Thanks to the Spencer's for being amazing hosts, entertainers & knowing all the best places to eat....Did I mention the food?
you HAD to bring up the puff on the butt...
LOL, this was such a great weekend! We love you guys, let's not let it be another year and a half before we do this again.
oh, and you forgot to list Weston's favorite part of the visit...when you gave me coupon lessons!
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