Monday, June 15, 2009

Batter Up

Keller LOVES sports.

I mean, eats, dreams & talks sports 24/7. One of the first things out of his mouth after he bounds out of bed at 6:22AM, "Daddy, wanna play soccer/baseball/basketball?"

We were at the park the other night for the sole purpose of 'running the bases'. Keller & Chad got on the little league field and Keller was in heaven! He got to act just like 'the baseball guys' and had a ball!

Major league baseball -- Watch out!


AshleyS said...

keller looks way too old! miss you guys so much!

Jeanine said...

I Love it sooo cute!!! He is such a cute little boy!

Ence's said...

How fun!!! I am sure it just makes Chad's day to play ball with him-I know it would for Mark.