Monday, August 25, 2008

Quirky Kel

Who would have guessed that our 1 1/2 year old would have such quirks?

*Must wear cowboy hat to run errands.

*Must have candles stacked 'just right'.


*Had to wear sunglasses this particular day as soon as I got him out of his crib after naptime:

*Must give his fishies that hang above his bed a 'high fin' before napping or bedtime.

*Must watch 'Signing Time' at least twice in a row -- once of 'Hopping Time' just isn't enough!

*Must race Mommy or Daddy to the door once we say 'Let's go'. If we are too slow he lets us know by signing very distinctly and screaming 'GO!'

*Must play with Daddy morning & night by climbing up our small first flight of stairs and rolling a ball down the stairs & railing. He thinks this is the best game ever.

*Must RUN down the 'straightaway' [as Chad & I call it] when he reaches the top of the stairs down the hall to our room.

Aahh -- The joys of being 1.

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