I love Jill Stevens! The Miss America contestants had a fashion show down at the Fashion Show Mall over the weekend. Chad & I went down and saw Miss Jill! She looked FABULOUS & we even got to talk to her after and get her new picture. She said she has been having a blast & hopes the judges see who she really is. Go Jill! Competition begins tonight with the finale on TLC on Saturday night.

Yay! We love Jill...So, did I mention that me and Miss Caytee Cox (Wankier) are headed to Vegas this weekend? We got tickets to the finale! Wahoo!
And P.S. Thanks to you as well for "hooking me to SUU." You're the greatest :)
I love the Jill frenze. So cool that you got to see her at the mall. I wasn't able to go to the send off here at SUU, but I saw the news clip about it and she is looking good!!
It has been so fun to see all the publicity Jill has been getting, if I didnt' know better I would say your guys were her publicity agents! I hope you know how much I love ya! Go GI Jill!
I forgot to attach this. I thought you might like to look at this blog
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